TeachSpin, Buffalo, NY
Fourier Methods
July 14, 2025 to July 16, 2025
Number of setups available: 1-2
Maximum number of participants: 2-4
David Van Baak is Professor Emeritus of Physics at Calvin College. His academic career included teaching and developing in the advanced-lab at Calvin College from 1980 through 2014; and since 2005 it has included collaborations with TeachSpin. Since 2014 he has been full time at Teachspin.
The Fourier transform
no longer belongs just to theorists! The fast-Fourier-transform
algorithm, and real-time data acquisition and digitization, now make the
Fourier content of real-life laboratory signals transparently visible
in table-top laboratory investigations. His experience with such
technologies has included a 1991 ILIP grant for Fourier Methods across
the curriculum, and has progressed to involvement with a commercial
release of a full Fourier-methods teaching package. If voltmeters and
oscilloscopes represent fundamental data-acquisition tools, and if a
lock-in amplifier stands for advanced capabilities, then a Fourier
analyzer is a wonderful intermediate-level tool for visualization and
measurement which physicists ought to acquire and pass along to their
students. Quite apart from teaching signal-processing capabilities of
remarkable sensitivity and resolution, this Immersion will reinforce the
skills of the Fourier way of thinking, and will (ideally) addict each
participant with the routine use of a Fourier analyzer in laboratory
Dr. David A. Van Baak, Teachspin, Inc., 2495 Main Street, Suite 409, Buffalo NY 14214-2153. Email: dvanbaak@teachspin.com. Telephone: 716-885-4701.