TeachSpin, Buffalo, NY
Experiments in Condensed Matter Physics
July 14, 2025 to July 18, 2025 (A full week!)
Number of setups available: 1-2
Maximum number of participants: 2-4
Jonathan F. Reichert is Emeritus Professor of Physics at SUNY at Buffalo, President and founder of Teachspin, Inc., and co-founder of the Advanced Laboratory Physics Association. His research career at Washington University, CWRU, and SUNY Buffalo has included many types of magnetic resonance experiments. At both CWRU and SUNY Buffalo, he developed and taught the advanced laboratory course. He's the designer of the cryostat system for this Immersion, and of the Specific Heat experiment.
David Van Baak is Professor Emeritus of Physics at Calvin College. His academic career included teaching and developing in the advanced-lab at Calvin College from 1980 through 2014; and since 2005 it has included collaborations with TeachSpin. Since 2014 he has been full time at Teachspin. He's the designer of the Magnetic-Susceptibility and Electrical-Transport Experiments in this Immersion.
Dr. Jonathan F. Reichert or Dr. David A. Van Baak, Teachspin, Inc., 2495 Main Street, Suite 409, Buffalo NY 14214-2153. Email: jreichert@teachspin.com or dvanbaak@teachspin.com. Telephone: 716-885-4701.